Compassion, care, but most importantly-LOVE!

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for Lyndell D. Scoles, MD

My elderly father went to the ER, with what ended up being a massive UTI and he went septic. Being a man of a certain. age, he had no primary care physician, only a couple of specialists handled his major issues. No one coordinated his care, but you can't tell your dad what to do. The ER staff said he'd need to be admitted, and since he had no primary MD they'd use the on call doc. I looked at that name and said no thank you, I knew she wasn't someone I wanted to handle his care. I immediately called Dr Scoles, at home, and pleaded with him to please help my Dad. He immediately came to the ER and took over. DID I MENTION THIS WAS XMAS EVE? Yeah, that's the humble Christian man he is. Daddy became his doctor and brought him back to good health. He added another 10 years on his life. It's easy for doctors to be caring and compassionate. Dr Scoles shows them love as well. I cannot ever repay him for showing up that Xmas eve, but I know he's the best man, physician, community and church supporter I've ever known. He's also my doctor too!!
