Dr. Erlaine Bello has been my primary physician for over twenty years

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| March, 3 2018 | for Erlaine F. Bello, MD, MS, FACP

Dr. Erlaine Bello has been my primary physician for over twenty years, and during this period my outlook on this strict doctor-patient relationship has grown from intimidation to friendship and trust. She is not one who dwells on nonsensical bits and pieces of my well being, which I refer to as pampering; she is a straight arrow. However, when the chips are down her background, intelligence and keen perception, her resources, are immediately available for you. Examples: schwannoma complaint 5 years ago January, testing, diagnosis and surgery mid-March; low bone density Oct 2017, background and research, prolia prescription late Nov 2017. Dr. Bello was able to handle both issues expeditiously and seamlessly for me, for which I was very grateful. I believe this MDVIP program will enable her to sometimes focus on bits and pieces of nonsense, and time will now be on her side to be able to do this and much more!
