Dr Saman Lashkari One in a Million

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| March, 11 2020 | for Saman Lashkari, MD

When my doctor of many years moved I was devastated. I felt abandoned and scared as I was getting older and had some issues. I felt that it was time to find someone that I could relate to. I interviewed a couple of MDVIP doctors and chose Dr. Lashkari. It took a little while for each of us to get to know what we both wanted from each other, but once we got on the same page I couldn't be happier. Dr. Lashkari is the kind of doctor you dream about having. He is kind, considerate, bright, knowledgeable, a great diagnostician, and a good listener. When I was sick and I texted him he responded in a timely manner and got me the careandr medicine I needed. I feel that I have been healthier because I am under his care. I have referred many of my friends to him and they all feel the same way. In fact it is really funny; there are several of us that go to weight watchers;. we attend the meeting, go have a healthy breakfast and talk about our adventures with Dr. Lashkari. Our wish is that one day he can join us as a surprise guest.
