Dr. Shelton is an attentive, proactive physician.

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| March, 30 2017 | for Kimberly R. Shelton, MD
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Dr. Shelton is an attentive, proactive physician. Her grasp of detail and her knowledge of my health needs helped me get through a difficult winter. I'm doing so much better because she listens, carefully reviews my medications and made changes which have made a significant difference. Dr. Shelton has been my primary care physician for more than a decade. Over this time I've experienced improvements in my health and overall fitness. I appreciate her accessibility. She understands my interest in working with her on my health and we've formed a great partnership. It's important to have a personal physician who listens, discusses concerns, addresses issues and explains what's going on. Even when I don't want to do something she says I have to do - and this does happen - she's most kind about it and she's firm. Dr. Shelton, you rock!!!
