Dr. Vicki Bralow - A true patient advocate

I have had concierge Doctors in the past, so when I moved to Philadelphia I began looking for the same type of direct access to my Primary Care Physician.
I never had much need for a Dr outside of yearly checkups, so the first few years here I had the expected attention I felt I needed, but not an intimate relationship with the Dr and staff.
Last year all of that changed. I was diagnosed with a very small tumor, however malignant that needed immediate attention. From the day I received my biopsy report, Dr. Bralow was 100% involved. She called me from the office of the head of Surgical Oncology at Penn with the diagnosis and assured me I would have the 'best' going forward. She personally arranged for me to get into each specialist and acted as liaison when I had questions. She was there 24/7 when I was in need of reassurance and support. She was truly the cog that held the wheel together in my healthcare, gathering information and being that reciprocity of care that often gets lost when you are seeing several specialists.
One of the most impressive moments was when I was told I would need to wait two - four weeks for test results, or biopsies, etc. With her intervention and advocacy I was being seen within 2 days, not 2 weeks. Also with test results - moving the process quickly and with the support I needed.
Now that I'm 'on the other side' of this scare, she is still checking on me constantly even though all the specialists having given me the green light that "I'm ok". It was a euphoric but simultaneous 'sinking' moment that I was no longer in their hands. However Dr. Bralow picked up the ball and was/is the one that keeps me in check and making sure that I'm healthy, physically and emotionally - and able to move forward.
I have and would highly recommend her to anyone needing healthcare. Not only has she provided me with the excellent care I need, she was a constant advocate during one of the scariest times.