Head injury?

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| January, 19 2024 | for James Chanez, MD

I had purchased my ticket to a movie and as I pulled open the door to the theater it was a large light aluminum door and I was expecting a heavy door to match its size. The door knocked me in the head and I staggered backwards.

I was not about to waste that ticket so I went in to the theater but couldn’t concentrate because I feared I had a concussion. So I got up and called Dr Chanez. He asked me about my symptoms and he told me if I started feeling bad to call 911 but he thought I was ok.

I watched the movie in peace. It seems like a little thing, but it wasn’t at the time. I was so glad to have his cell phone number to be able to contact him right then. He is a terrific doctor who has a great sense of humor and gives me as much time and attention as I need every time I visit or call. He cares and that means so much.
