He's there when we need him....Dr. Glenn Hinchman

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for Glenn Hinchman, MD

I always tell the story of when my husband ended up in the hospital with kidney failure for 2 weeks (diagnosed with multiple myeloma). I was a patient of MDVIP (in fact, I had already been a patient of Dr. Hinchman's about 10 years before he became an affiliated physician of MDVIP), but my husband hadn't joined as a patient yet. Within a few days, my husband ran into a time of physical distress, which put me into a whirl of mental distress. I called Dr. Hinchman on his cell to ask a few questions. He helped me through that night and even stopped by the hospital briefly the next day and came to my husband's room to check on him and me. That was so reassuring and, to me, he was going above and beyond. The day my husband was discharged from the hospital, he joined MDVIP as well and selected Dr. Hinchman as his physician.
Even yesterday, when I was at an appt with Dr. Hinchman, I mentioned this story again to him, and how much I appreciated his concern and support that day and the 7 years since then. My husband has had a few more scares since then, and Dr. Hinchman has always answered my texts and calls and emails in a timely manner, so that we could address the medical issue at hand.
My husband and I really appreciate Dr. HInchman and everyone in his office.
