His sense of humor and down to earth explanations are refreshing and very effective.

Member First Name
| March, 3 2018 | for Scott Griffith, MD

There is no question that many of the aspects of our healthcare system are broken, many beyond repair. Radical changes are required. As depressing as I find this situation, there is one element that has far exceeded my expectations. That element is my involvement with Dr. Griffith and the MDVIP model. In the past year and one-half that I have part of his MDVIP practice, I have met with him several times, including two comprehensive annual physicals. I have learned more from Dr. Griffith in these visits than from all other doctors and my research in my entire life. It is obvious that he spends a considerable amount of time reviewing studies and trends and is up-to-speed on the latest thinking. The time that he spends with me discussing my health and healthcare in general is amazing. I have never felt the least bit hurried. In fact, I, not him, general end our sessions! There is no question that he has genuine concern for me and my well-being. His sense of humor and down to earth explanations are refreshing and very effective.
I am involved with several startup and private companies that focus on the health sector (medical devices, doctor/patient interaction, hand hygiene compliance, patient care, and concierge services). I have told all of them about Dr. Griffiths approach and practice and the MDVIP client support services (website and interaction) and how it has impacted me. He has set the standard. As one final comment, his caring, competence, and thoughtfulness extends to all of the members of his staff. It is pleasure working with all of them.
