I became a patient if Dr. Ruxin approximately three years ago, upon the recommendations of friends.

I became a patient if Dr. Ruxin approximately three years ago, upon the recommendations of friends. I have two occasions when his clinical knowledge and his willingness to speak with me were exceptional. I want to share both experiences. One was shown upon a routine annual exam involving a variety of analysis of urine and stool samples along with a complete blood work up. Microscopic blood was noticed in the stool samples and I wass referred to a gastroenterologist. A endoscopy revealed an egg size tumor/ulcer. Surprisingly I hd no symptoms. Immediately I was taken off low dose coated aspirin that I had been taking for many years. Biopsies were negative.
I donate blood regularly and this last time I was refused because of being severely anemic. This surprised me and I stopped by Dr. Ruxins office. He was busy, but called me back within two hours and was willing to see me and a blood test was taken immediately. I was anemic and iron pills were recommended which solved the problem within a week.
I hope those two experiences with Dr. Ruxin will illustrate how I value his clinical expertise and availability so that I continue to enjoy a healthy life.