I started going to Dr. Dimski in 2008.

Member First Name
| October, 4 2012 | for Robert C. Dimski, MD

I started going to Dr. Dimski in 2008. He encouraged me to lose weight right away.
I was very close to being 100 pounds overweight. I didn't get plugged in to losing weight
until 2009. Dr. Dimski has encouraged me every step of the way. I have never had a doctor act so concerned about my weight/health until I met Dr. Dimski.

By 2010 I entered my first 5K walk with WW. I was so proud of myself. After all I'm NOT
a spring Chick, I was 63 at that time.

My blood work comes back with very good results. I have stayed focused MOST of the time over the last 3 years, but I have had discouraging plateaus. Dr. Dimski just says look at how far you've come! Can't argue with that!!

He told me about a 5k run for ADA and asked if I would want to join him and his family!! Of course I did. It was fun and inspiring...This was just last Saturday.

Dr. Dimski is such a pleasant man. He has a great sense of humor that I love..
Going into the clinic to see him is always a pleasant experience.

His staff is great and very friendly. They always offer me water, coffee or tea and even a snack; of course its healthy snacks! The patient lounge is set up more like a living room than a doctor's office. Very comfortible. NO TV!!! in this lobby.. TV may be fine if you're in the clinic long enough to watch it...I think that's a way to keep patients happy while they wait long periods of time to see the doctor. Why you hardly have time to look through a good magazine!!!

More often than not I'm the only patient in the clinic at MY appointment time!!! Makes me feel like they are all focused on me; One-On-One visits. They are great....

Needless to say I LOVE my MDVIP Dr. Robert C. Dimski, MD and his STAFF!!! Hope he's around for a long time....I don't want any other Doctor!!!
