More than a physician

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| February, 12 2024 | for John V. Borders, MD, FACP

Dr. John Borders is my MD VIP Physician. Prior to me he was my mother’s physician and good friend. Good friend is not an uncommon phrase when John’s Patients mention their relationship with him. He genuinely cares and you know that after a short time. He never talks over your head and explains everything in terms you understand. In addition to being a skilled Physician, John is also a skilled artist and musician. Some of his work is on display in their office space. He also has done paintings for his patients. My most special memory is and probably always will be him singing at my mother’s funeral. They had a special friendship based on trust, genuine and competent care and humor. Dr. Borders has been a blessing to me and our family. I’m confident he is likewise to many others in his care. 
