My husband, Don, and I were some of the first fortunate patients of Dr. Winnie.

Member First Name
| February, 27 2014 | for Michael G. Winnie, MD

My husband, Don, and I were some of the first fortunate patients of Dr.
Winnie when he first opened his office doors in Spohn South in Corpus Christi, Tx.

When Michael told me about MDVIP, I am sure I was one of the first of his patients to sign up.

Dr. Winnie has been a rock to me. When my husband suffered a cerebral hemorrhage, he was the first person I called and he answered his cell phone on the second ring. I explained to him what had happened. He told me to call 911 on my cell phone and not to hang up on him as I had called him on my house phone. He calmed me and talked to me until the ambulance arrived. That gave me strength and calmed me to act responsibly and follow the ambulance to the ER. He called me back on my cell phone as I waited in the waiting room with my daughter. Don was later transferred to another hospital because they had 6 brain surgeons on staff. Don was put into a private room there. I called our priest and several of Don's close friends. Hours later, one of the brain surgeons, whom we knew socially, asked me to come to the nurse's station so he could show me X-rays. He told me they could operate and save Don, but all they could give me back from surgery would be a paralyzed vegetable.We all went into Don's room, he had his last rights and his friends said their goodbyes. Then the nurse asked me if I would like to get into Don's bed. I thanked her and was helped up into the bed. Our priest told me to talk to Don as his hearing as the last sense he would lose. I cradled Don in my arms, held him close to me and talked to him for the next 5 house before he went to Heaven. Don was 80 years old. . We had a wonderful day the day before - we had gone shopping in town, had lunch and went to get pedicures together. On our way home, he had his hemorrhage as we were coming back to our island on a one way causeway and I could not take him directly to the hospital. The quickest thing I could do was take him directly home and call Michael and 911.
Since my husband's death, Dr. Winnie has been just a call away. He has come to the hospital when I needed him and stayed with me until I was released to go home. He has watched over me and seen me anytime I felt threatened about my problems, monitored my blood thickness like a hawk. I have been on Coumadin for years. He stays in close contact about me with my heart doctor, Wassim Choucair. If he were my own son, I couldn't get more attention and care
I am so pleased I have had the pleasure to tell you what a fabulous Dr. you were fortunate enough to decide to join your fine organization.

Most Sincerely,
