My "Very Important Person" (VIP)

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| March, 16 2020 | for Samantha H. Goodman, MD

Doctor Samantha Goodman is a God-sent provider who makes me feel as though I am her Most Important Patient. She is an internist and a master diagnostician. She has made my life so much easier! She is taking over more and more treatments, making her office a one-stop for all treatments. She is now doing my Prolia shots in her office. The convenience of being cheerfully available at all hours is pure gold. Doctor Goodman also sees her own patients at the hospital while most doctors use hospitalists. She also came to see me recently while I was in rehab as an inpatient. When my anemia turned into MGUS, she diagnosed it and quickly sent me to a hematologist. I sing her praises all over Abilene. She and MDVIP are life-savers!!
