Priceless Peace of Mind

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| January, 18 2024 | for Diane Pressman, MD

Dr Pressman saw me toward the end of a two week illness - a bad cold that never went away. I was plagued by sleeplessness, mild nausea, a bad cough, and extreme worry because I also live with an autoimmune vasculitis whose flare symptoms share those of a cold gone bad. I was a wreck by the time I sat in Dr Pressman's office to discuss how I felt - uncharacteristically in tears. And she was so reassuring, telling me she'd contact all my vasculitis docs to help manage my GPA if in fact it was necessary. She just made me feel like she cared, and that she'd exercise the muscle needed to navigate the sometimes daunting gauntlet of Hopkin's snare of specialists. I left with a script for a chest x-ray and priceless peace of mind.
