Thanks to a REAL Doctor!

Member First Name
| January, 18 2024 | for J. Edward DeBoard, MD
Image provided by: Robert

My first contact with Dr. Edward DeBoard of Honolulu was on a last ditch referral from a friend. I was desperate for help and the specific help I wanted. I had disc fenestration/laminectomy in '84 while in veterinary school and all was well for nearly 3o some years. Then sciatic pain increased, numbness, and insomnia from the pain. Being from Hawaii with HMSA medical insurance, but living in Montana, it was obvious financially and with referrals from friends in the medical field I needed to go back to Hawaii for diagnostics and treatments. I could not get into the most highly recommended neurosurgeon and anesthesiologist I wanted. Most surgeons were either too busy or don't fix previous surgeons "mess" or wanted to pursue a protracted medical treatment, which had already not helped. My wife had bought me a one-way ticket (first class which was kind) to Hawaii with instructions not to come back until "fixed". I was about two days before returning, after four doctor visits with no intervention in sight. In conversation with a friend, she mentioned Dr. DeBoard as a great internal medicine guy and offered to call him on my behalf. Desperate but holding no hope, I said sure, see what he suggests. She called back in about 45 minutes, saying he will see you at 7:30 tomorrow AM. He doesn't have any appointments but will come in early for you! Wow! I arrived, did the usual sign in, nurse doing vitals and then in scurries Dr. DeBoard. Takes a good medical history, while doing a complete...complete physical exam....not just myopically focused on my presenting complaint...complete! Ahhhh so this guy is a REAL lau lau. By 11:30 AM that morningI had blood drawn, radiographs, AND a contrast MRI study...all with my desired neurosurgeons favorite diagnostic groups. Two days later...after hours at 5:30 PM I met the surgeon, reviewed the MRI, and after declining trial medical therapy, he asked when I wanted to do surgery. Understanding my pain, I said TONIGHT! He tried to get a surgery suite for the next day but it was a holiday. However, three days later, after two hours surgery for scar tissue strangulating the L5/S1 nerve I walked out of the hospital and only needed two days of ibuprofen and was virtually pain free. I followed the rehab instructions and by six months I was back in Montana, riding horseback 10+ hours a day with the real job simply to entertain them with my attempts to emulate their skills! I immediately signed up for MDVIP with Dr. Ed DeBoard!

That was nearly 10 years ago. Since then he has navigated me through high blood pressure, gout, severe sleep apnea, elevated lipids...even had two stress echocardiograms, calcium CT. When he first suggested the "stress echo", I balked and said "people die on those!" He easily replied...."but people wait too long. Now is the time to do the diagnostics while you can still effect improvements."

Dr. DeBoard accepted two of my referrals of people very close to me. Both similarly pleased at their care as I. I now 70+ years sailing, fishing, riding in Washington. My my wife has found an MDVIP physician here. I continue with Dr. DeBoard on via phone, email, video conference, and I continue with my regular excuse to fly back to Hawaii to see him and staff. I can go on and on about Dr. DeBoard and his staff...UDABEST!...Many thanks and a major Mahalos!
