TRibute to Dr.Alyson Thal

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| March, 13 2020 | for Alyson P. Thal, MD

To start off with I have to state that Dr. Thal is without doubt the best doctor I have ever had. I have a few medical issues one being very serious and Dr. Thal has not only helped me manage my illness but has helped me actually improve it. No other Doctor I have used has even attempted to rectify my underlying cause(s) they just treated symptoms. With Dr. Thal's help I have actually gotten better, my underlying issues are actually getting resolved. Dr. Thal cares about her patients and is evident in her handling of them from my observation. She shows care and is kind and tough in the right proportions and gets her point through well. It's an actual pleasure going to Dr. Thal who cares about me and my progress. I'm not just a number nor am I limited by an all to short a visit time (as was the case with previous docs) she takes what she needs and makes sure of follow up. I have nothing but respect and admiration for Dr. thal and her country doctor attitude/style (at least with me) of actually caring for her patient, that being me in this case. A great BIG thank you and job well done from me. Dr. Thal has made a difference in my attitude on health and my life around staying healthy. Thanks MDVIP for partnering with her, together I get what all patients deserve - respect, caring and GREAT doctoring. Dr. Thal your are an absolute breath of fresh air in this crazy medical system we now have thanks for having the skill and fortitude to be the doc you want to be and the one we all need.
