What a charming - intelligent and thoughtful man Dr Coye is ....

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| March, 2 2020 | for Robert B. Coye, MD

My wife and I are both patients of Dr Coye and his wonderful "Nurse Donna" as a result of the retirement of Dr Fred McNeer. A little apprehensive with the change at first, we quickly became very comfortable and confident in Dr Coye's professional talents. He truly cares about our good health. Dr Coye and Nurse Donna are charming, efficient and effective in the way they care for my wife and me. (Dr Coye is also very effective in telling me things that I might not want to hear!) He is "book smart" with technology skills. Dr Coye is organized and prepared when we are together. I was very very impressed recently when I accidently met him in the halls of our local hospital calling on one of his patients after hours … That kind of service and attention is hard to find in today's medical world. Dr Coye and Nurse Donna have become a part of our family. MDVIP is lucky to have them both. 
